Really, Really BAD
26 April 2001
Sigh. I can't believe I saw that movie. It is, of course, the worst I've ever seen. Humor, by its nature, works using circumstance and relationship to cause laughter. While these are not necessary for humor to be present, they are quite helpful. If this movie had a coherent plot, and tied together some of the scenes, the gross-out jokes could actually be quite funny, because we as an audience would develop a relationship with the characters, and their persistent humiliation onscreen would mean more to us.

As it is, we care about no one in the movie. The penises and blood and death, shocking and in some ways funny though they are, don't really mean much. The majority of the movie I spent groaning through stupid scenes that I didn't understand, most of which didn't even have shock appeal. The movie is just bad. It's not that you can't make a disgusting and funny movie with this material. It's just that they didn't.
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