Very faithful adaption of a great book
4 January 2002
It took me a while to warm up to the whole Harry Potter-hysteria, and so far I've only read the first book. But if the rest of the series is anywhere near as good as "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" (yes, I've read the British version), I can't wait to get my hands on it.

As for the film, it's a very faithful adaption of the novel. Director Columbus has not strayed far from J.K. Rowling's plotlines, which works very well for me. I have to agree, though, with some of the other reviewers, that some of the "magic feeling" of the book is gone from the film. That said, it's still a great movie. The actors do a very fine job indeed, particularly the three young protagonists (with Rupert Grint/Ron as my personal favourite). Daniel Radcliffe does well as Harry, particularly considering that in the book, we get to know very much about him through his thoughts and feelings, which are not so easily conveyed on the big screen. The only funny thing about Radcliffe is the way his voice changes throughout the film (down - up - down again). But I guess that is the danger of working with pre-pubescent boys anyway... The "adult" cast is - as expected - outstanding, and very well suited for their characters (you just have to love Rickman as Snape...). The special effects are well done (and not overdone). The Quidditch game was especially spectacular, as well as the moving stairs and Fluffy the dog.

All in all, this is a wonderful movie for children of all ages. I give it a very strong 5 (out of 6) on my dice, and recommend it to everyone!
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