Not the best in the series but possible the best way to end the trilogy.
9 November 2003
Well after the trailers and the hype i have to say that i was really looking forward to seeing the Matrix Revolutions. What i got to see was not as great as i expected, but it was not awful either, it was ok, just ok. But the more i started thinking about it afterwards, the more i liked it...

The start of the movie is almost perfect, filled with the usual Matrix action sequences and the explanation to what happened to Neo ,which is this movie's number one problem, you see after all the theories that have been posted all over the net, and in this site too, the explanation given by the brothers is a bit well... stupid and too farfetched... And then to the second problem, these first 20 minutes are the last we'll see of the Matrix... (except for the final showdown of course) But come to think of it that's not such a bad thing, you see the brothers used all their gunfighting and Kung-Fu fighting ideas in the previous Matrix films so these action sequences are a complete repetition of the other two films, the "cloak room shoot out" for example is identical to the "lobby shoot-out" scene in the first film, only that this time the bad guys are running on the ceiling... The second part of the movie takes place in the real world and for its largest part it shows us the last stand of the humans in Zion. This battle is one of the best i've ever seen, the CGI created Sentinels look excellent and most importantly, REAL! Every time they change formations i can guarantee that you'll be picking up your jaw from the floor! However, there is a big fault in the flow of the film here since for the duration of this battle we don't get to see Neo and Trinity at all, the last time we get to see them is in the Neo vs. Baine battle after which Neo is left in a very bad condition, so instead of showing us if the star is ok, they show us a bunch of extras getting killed by the Sentinels.. The last part of the film is the final showdown between Neo and Agent Smith... Only one word can describe this epic confrontation...WOW!! We get to see a fight that most clearly shows the Anime influence of the films... And that's exactly what it is like, like those epic confrontations in say.. Dragonball (only that it doesn't last a couple of years and it doesn't have any fireballs...) The ending of the battle as well as the end of the movie will surely give birth to many theories and discussions between avid Matrix fans... In conclusion, probably the Matrix Revolutions will not be what you expect it to be... If you really want to enjoy the film leave all your expectations at home and when you judge it, don't do so as if it were a standalone movie but a part of a bigger movie, and if you look at it like that then surely you won't be disappointed. All in all, although it's not the best in the series, it's the best possible ending for the Matrix Trilogy. 7/10
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