Review of The Tick

The Tick (2001–2002)
lightning in the same place twice was more likely
27 October 2003
A funny show the 2 times I caught it,as it has been noted by Bob and Tom(radio jockeys) it was never in the same place.Like Family Guy ,this show was shuffled more than cards in Vegas,allowing it no time to catch potential fans until after it was cancelled. A funny show that deserved a chance.The characters of Arthur and the Tick were perfect,and while I didnt understand the name change i thought Captain Liberty and Bat-Manuel were excellent interpretations of American Maid and Die Fleidermaus. The WB and Fox both owe their very existence to shows that didnt take off immediately,Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Married With Children come to mind and they are not the only ones.Yet in recent years both networks have developed a "better ratings now" philosophy that insults viewers and television industry people alike.Any show that isnt cookie cutter crap or an instant hit with whatever demographic they are aiming for is quickly eliminated,almost unerringly,giving no time to grow a large and loyal fanbase(like the aforementioned shows did).
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