A passionning reconstitution of a historic event
18 May 2000
Do the Indians of the new world have a soul? This is the point of the debate which opposes, in 1550 in Valadolid, capital of Spain, the canon philosopher Sepulveda and the famous dominican Las Casas, eager defensor of the Indians. Were they redeem by the Christ's blood or are they born to be slaves? In front of a Papal Lagate, a representant of Charles Quint and an assembly, the two opponents are facing. To confirm or infirm their declarations, the Papal Legate has several natives to come: they're going to observe if the natives are capable of human feelings. Eager debate, deep, odd, premonitory. For centuries, the destiny of millions of human beings will depend on the taken decision, but not necessarily of those we're thinking...

A GREAT! TV movie, with a tremendous casting of french actors: shrewdness, subtlety, very good understanding of the political and historycal events, a movie to watch, absolutely!!

(see (The Supper (1992)), on imdb: same style of movie)
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