Review of Spirited Away

Spirited Away (2001)
The Spiriting Away of Loz
15 December 2002
I can quite honestly say I had never actually watched an Anime film before going to see "Spirited Away". I can honestly say that I must have been crazy! What have I been missing out on? Why have I been subjecting myself to Disney drivel, when absolutely breathtaking animation films are coming from Japan?

Of course the English/American dubbing of "Spirited Away" was actually a Disney venture, using actors that have provided voices for Disney films before Daveigh Chase in "Lilo and Stitch" and Jason Marsden in "A Goofy Movie").

I was generally very impressed with the voice acting, however after a while Daveigh Chase's high pitched tones started to grate on my nerves, distracting me from the greater good. Jason Marsden was perfect as the mysterious boy Haku, and Suzanne Pleshette was brilliant as Yubaba & Zeniba.

However the wonder of this film is all thanks to Hayao Miyazaki. He is truly an amazing Director and Writer! The story was multi-faceted. Every time you thought you had come to the end of a mystery, more layers were pulled back to reveal more mysteries. Characters are not what they appear, and what they are is too enigmatic to explain.

There is a lot of humour in the film, and a deep well of emotion. I really found myself caring for Chihiro's well being, and hoped she would get back to her parents. I was completely sucked into the film. Even though, thinking back, all the things which happen in the film are confusing and complex, I never found myself bewildered or bored, as has sometimes been the case.

The animation was beautiful, the colours were used so well to accentuate every minute detail. The landscapes and buildings were incredibly realistic.

The music, however, is what really got me. Jô Hisaishi did an amazing job putting the score together, it was haunting and beautiful, and suited the film very well.

Well, I'm now off to go and raid the Anime section of my local video store... I wholeheartedly suggest going to see "Spirited Away"!
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