Donnie Darko (2001)
Thought provoking, dark, beautiful
11 May 2002
This was a movie that I heard a lot about before seeing it. I was told by numerous movie buffs, who all happened to be male, that because I'm a female I wouldn't like this film. They said I wouldn't understand it, they said I'd be asking my boyfriend questions though the entire film, they said it just wasn't for "chicks".

This is one of my favorite films of 2001. I was entranced the entire time. It was so dark, and at times I wasn't sure what was going on. However, after seeing the movie, going to bed thinking about it, and waking up, I feel I have such a better understanding for it.

It's definitely a movie that makes you think. Lazy movie watchers need not waste their time. There is no movie to compare this movie to.... possibly a mix between American Beauty/12 Monkeys.. however, it stands on it's own as a uniquely individual film. There really isn't anything like it.

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