Tucker (2000–2001)
An inspired stinker
19 October 2000
This sit-com is really far too mean-spirited to be taken humorously and too sappy to be taken seriously. It tries to stimulate nostalgia, but instead gives us a frustrating look of the world through the eyes of a helpless, hopeless, horny young man. Oh, he's a fine performer and does a remarkable job with the role he's offered, but the character itself receives little sympathy from me. The writing is banal at best. The concept doesn't lend itself to much longevity that I can foresee. However, this looks exactly like the type of show that would burden itself with the introduction of another kid, or a new dad, or something further down the line to help boost forthcoming sinking ratings (if it even survives long enough for that to be a concern, probably a moot point). I was interested to see Katey Sagal's name in the credits. I was more interested in just how much I can't stand her character. Of course, it was designed that way. I'm not supposed to like her. But, good Lord, I think they need to let off the gas with the 'evil aunt' element. She didn't have to be so hate-inducing. We want to like her on some level. This show won't work if we don't. Otherwise, we'll just go through the paces of Tucker vs. Aunt like Oliver Twist plowing through unhappiness with his evil caretakers. This show needs to be more human in regards to its characters. It needs charm. Otherwise, this show will soon be a parting memory.
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