A Truly Profound Experience.
21 December 2000
Watching "Into the Arms of Strangers" was truly a profound experience for me. I am still struggling to put into words all the feelings it evoked in me.

This is the harrowing, compelling true story of Jewish children living in Hitler's Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia who were sent to live in England without their parents. It is told by the children who are now in their sixties and seventies, and it is accompanied by wartime newsreels from both England and Germany. The German footage is especially scary, because it looks much like the English footage, except the wholesome, smiling, patriotic citizens on display are all giving the Nazi salute.

It is hard to imagine being a young child and being taken away not just from your parents, but from your country, your language, and your culture. That really tore me up.

Anyone who sees this movie and doesn't cry is not a human being, but a thing of stone. 10 out of 10.
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