Best JFK Assassination documentary
31 October 2002
There have been so many documentaries made about the Kennedy assassination that there is no way to even list all of them. They range from sensible investigations to lurid and groundless speculation. This is by far the best documentary I have ever seen because it answers the most basic questions and asks the best experts namely Doctor Cyril Wecht. I went to a lecture on the assassination a number of years ago and they showed a picture of Warren Commission exhibit #399 (ie the "magic" bullet) the man who was doing the lecture said that you should consider it an insult to your intelligence for the Warren Commission to ask you believe that one bullet made seven holes in two bodies and caused all kinds of damage and still came out in pristine condition! They showed how the bullet would have had to have stopped in mid air and turned twice to hit both President Kennedy and Governor Connolly. They said the bullet was almost intact and that there was no way a bullet could hit a hard bone and come out with an unsmashed tip. They even proved that with their own experiments! Yet the Warren Commission expects us to believe this incredible lie. The Zapruder film clearly shows that Kennedy was hit first and then Connolly less then two seconds later by a SEPERATE shot. It takes at least five seconds to work the bolt on the Mannlicher Carcano rifle that Oswald was supposed to have used. Therefore, there had to be AT LEAST two gunmen firing in Dallas and therefore there was a conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. Reasonable Doubt explores this haunting question intelligently and responsibly with a keen eye for both detail and the truth. It is an awesome documentary.
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