Review of Last Date

Last Date (1950)
With "encouragement" like this how did any of us get our driver's licences?
25 July 2001
The people who directed these Driver's Ed films must have been frustrated terror film directors. Why else would so many of them be loaded with gore and scare tactics? This one from 1950 is no exception. Top billed Richard York (later Dick York of features like INHERIT THE WIND and later TV's "Bewitched") plays a cocky kid with a new hotrod which he just loves to show off with. ("I learned to drive from my dad. He's only been arrested three times!") His buddies think he crazy driving is inviting "teenicide" or a sort of involuntary suicide via automobile. (NOTE: the word never caught on and was soon dropped from the slang vocabulary.) Richard steals Joan, a girl he has already frightened with his wild driving, from her date and takes her on a ride. ("Hey it'll only take fifteen minutes.") Okay, remember this is a Driver's Ed film and is supposed to be teaching us what not to do so guess what happens. That's right! The film ends with Joan, whose back is to the camera, writing a letter to a friend saying she wished she had died in the accident. She goes to look in a mirror only to smash it and turn quickly away. We never see her face but we can imagine all sorts of hideous things. I wonder if we were supposed to use our imagination at this point or did they just not have enough money for special makeup? Oh well, back in 1950 I am sure the shock value was quite strong.
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