Yep, that's H alright
29 June 2002
Very nice and scarily accurate portrayal of the typical WGU* brat that feels entitled to anything and everything on this planet. (I can say this, not to be unkind or insulting of those who go to that revered institution – yes, I don't admit this to many people, but I, too, went there – this is kind of like my own loving-slash-critical tribute.) The movie itself is rather chintzy on its own, but I was more impressed by the fact that names were dropped no holds barred – I cannot imagine what the filmmakers had to do to get Massachusetts Hall and the Offices of Trademark and Licensing and the General Counsel to agree to have the H name used. Bottom line, silly and funny and all, but if you're familiar with the place, you'll appreciate the subtle nuances that abound throughout the movie. (*p.s. for outsiders, WGU is the not-so-pejorative-nor-loving nickname of H as the World's Greatest University – or so it and some people like to think). =)
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