Obra maestra (2000)
Charming, and much better than the similarly-themed Cecil B. Demented
27 October 2002
Obra Maestra ("Masterpiece" in Spanish) was released in Spain more or less at the same time as Cecil B. Demented, and this was quite a coincidence, since both movies have very a similar set-up: A famous actress is kidnapped by guerrilla filmmakers so she will star in their crazy no-budget stab at making a movie. This superficial similarity in the plot line can only have hindered Obra Maestra's chances at an international distribution, and this is really unfortunate, because the similarities end very soon, and Obra Maestra is so much better than John Waters's disjointed farce.

This is a truly charming gem of a movie with real heart, where there are no good or bad people but just three very different characters thrown together in an uncomfortable situation and trying to come to terms with their limitations. The evolution of the characters and their relationships feels credible, not at all forced, and you end up appreciating them and seeing both the good things and not-so-good things about them, just as they also learn to do. And on top of this, it's very funny as well. Carbonell and Segura are two of Spain's top comedians, and they're on great form here, their characters made even more ridiculous by playing against the "bitter bitch" Gil, who is basically reprising one of her usual roles and can do this in her sleep. The best thing is that, like all the best comedies, Obra Maestra can make you laugh, but also be very touching. Don't miss this film if you ever come across it, you won't regret it.
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