Too short (?)
27 June 2002
There was not much to expect from an Austrian director who gets the chance to make a film with Americans. Stefan Ruzowitzky is known for his affection to quick editing and action. The Inheritors was a great success, and it was also a fantastic movie.

All the Queen's Men won't be a great success due to a rather passive promotion campaign (even in Vienna, and as I see from these sites here, also in the other parts of the world), and it isn't a fantastic movie either but, watching it, I had a surprising experience: It was the first occasion at all, that after ninety minutes I felt it a pity that the movie was over. It was too short! So this is a sign that Ruzowitzky's film (though not at all characteristic for him) can't be that bad. In fact, it's a series of gags more or less funny.

The actors are not first-class throughout. Matt LeBlanc looks terrible in a dress, so do all the other soldiers, and most of the fun isn't due to them but to the screenplay, which is rather funny but otherwise extremely poor because of a stupid story). Nicolette Krebitz's character provides with the kind of quick-witted humour that all Germans have in German movies and none in reality. And Oliver Korittke is not at all what I imagine a gay soldier to look like.

Oh, and the title design is great. I really liked it. There's not much more to say about this movie.
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