The Absolute Bomb Diggity
30 November 2001
I saw the docu-drama Regular Frankie Fan a few weeks ago. It reminded me of something from the Leslie (I am NOT related to Frank) Miller body of work with the exception that this dealt with truth. Truth of what it is like to be a fan of the RHPS. I feel that for under two hours, including credits, I was a part of a world often spoken of but never seen. Once again, director Mabbutt (Hell Bent for Leather, Dixon Mason and the Temple of Doom, Dixon Mason and the Fantabulous Flying Contraption of Professor Huffenagel)captures on film what most film makers can't: True Americana with humor. If you have more fun watching a studio high concept comedy over this, you weren't watching A Regular Frankie Fan my friend. Oh no, you were not! You MUST check out the Japanese language of Time Warp by a band calling itself Red Eye. I have no idea what they are saying, but in my heart I know it's a party and we are all invited, no matter who we are for those two hours.
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