The Mangler 2 (2002 Video)
Makes you want to throw up over and over and over and over and over and over...and over...
24 July 2003
Now, I have never seen the first Mangler movie, but after viewing part 2, I know that it has almost no relation to the first movie at all. First off, before I start my review, I would like to say that Mangler 2 is the second worst movie of all time (the first movie being Killjoy). I was browsing through the channels at 4:00 in the morning, looking for something to watch. As I scan through the guide, I see this.Mangler 2. I really wanted to see the movie, because I heard it was awful, and I wanted to see if it was as bad as everyone said it was. I pressed ok, and I was so lucky, the movie just started. It was the second worst movie experience EVER. First off, the story of the first movie wasn't very good, but it was a good old-fashioned horror, and it was from legendary Stephen King. But, what the writers try to do with Mangler 2, is they try to use computers to make the movie at least seem a little smart. They used computers and viruses and crap like that to try and override the fact that the plot was awful. I was constantly searching through the guide to find something else on, but there wasn't! The acting is what you would call wretched, the actors give little or no life to the characters, but the bad acting might have improved if the script wasn't filled with ridiculous lines. Speaking of the script, I would like to say that this movie wins second place for worst script ever written. The characters have no personalities, they are all just a bunch of walking, talking clichés. The movie itself tries to be funny, but fails. For example, just when a character is about to be killed off, the computer monitor says in big text, YOU ARE THE WEAKEST LINK. That was obviously a pathetic attempt to get a laugh or a smile. After you're stomach and mind finally get over the terrible script and acting, you will cringe at the constant re-playing of techno music in some scenes. In a part of the ending, a girl shoves a knife between the strap of her pants, and begins to walk with an angry look in her face. This is one of the scenes that make you want to yell obscenities at the TV, and throw something at it as well. This scene is also example of pathetic choreography: The techno music plays-the girl walks into frame.she walks out of frame.the camera is now in front of some other building.girl walks into frame.and then out of frame, and the repetition of that just makes you laugh at how stupid and witless it is! I've seen the trailer for the first film. I can already tell that it has lots of gratuitous blood and gore, but this movie just has blood, there's nothing special or appealing. The deaths are cheesy and clichéd. Now, horror movies these days call themselves horror, but they're not horror. The writers of this movie thought that if they added blood, that people would call it a horror movie. No. This movie does not deserve to called a horror movie because it has ABSOLUTELY no chills at all. You'll laugh more than you'll scream. Bottom line, the acting is wretched, the script makes you want to throw up, the constant re-playing of techno music makes you laugh and cry, the awful choreography makes you point at laugh at the TV screen, and the lame-ass "chills" makes your heart beat slower, and not faster. Take it from me, if you're looking for a good straight-to-video B horror movie, look somewhere else. Hell, if you're looking for some entertainment, go watch paint dry because it'll sure as hell be better than this garbage. It's awfulness matches right up to Killjoy, also a straight-to-video "horror" movie. Mangler 2 is a disgrace to the world.

Overall score: A big fat 0 out of 10.
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