My Horrible Year! (2001 TV Movie)
Actually a horrible movie!
5 November 2002
Other than a couple of amusing moments, this dubious "coming of age" attempt at portraying angst ridden modern teens with dyed hair and shrapnel in their faces, fails to be convincing on all levels. In the worst place, the actors cast in the roles of fifteen-year-olds are, in reality, twenty or more years old, and that is all too obvious, especially in the case of the over developed females. These, as frequently shown wearing little "school girl" uniforms, look ridiculous at best and like hookers at worst. The main character does an okay job of "acting" like a teenager occasionally, but when she does, it comes off more like one of those Gilda Radner routines where an obviously older person is acting all self-conscious and awkward on purpose. Otherwise, it's a "mistaken identity" plot, with no likeable characters. The so-called teens are hopelessly superficial and annoyingly banal. It could perhaps be more believable as a story about teens if it actually included any, but even so, this type of "growing pains" story has been done before and much better.
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