Review of Session 9

Session 9 (2001)
Points for tone and mood, but seriously weak plot
17 September 2004
I want my two hours back. "Session 9" is yet ANOTHER movie that left me exasperated at the end. Moreover, I am really surprised that people are lauding this film with terms like 'genius' and 'fascinating' -- 'Session 9' is neither.

What is clever about 'Session 9' is its setting, story set-up, casting and cinematography. The film deftly sets its mood and is expert at transition the audience between the moods, so that the viewer is relaxed one moment and seriously creeped-out at the next moment.

The problem is that this is all for naught. The storyline is obvious and the ending is predictable. Worse yet, the ending is so predictable, that the movie spends most of its time trying to throw you off the track. That is NOT clever writing – it is the byproduct of desperation for a good story to tell.

If you're anything like me, if you watch this film, you will be throwing your remote at the television screen by the time the credits roll, angry that yet another precious bit of your life has been leached away by shoddy film making.
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