Snatcher CD-ROMantic (1992 Video Game)
This is a game to be played
29 September 2001
June 6, 1996. A mysterious explosion occurs in the Chernolton Research Facility in Moscow. Lucifer Alpha, a top-secret biological weapon, is released into the atmosphere, killing off 50% of the world's populous. Soon after, Lucifer Alpha mutates into non-lethal form.

50 years later, a mysterious android life-form begins appearing around Neo Kobe, Japan. It's motives and origins are unknown. They appear in winter killing humans and taking their place in society via artificial skin. This artificial skin allows the androids to imitate their victims down to the blood, making them almost indestinguishable from the real thing. As these mysterious bio-roids begin implementing their imitation skills, they become known as 'snatchers'.

Neo Kobe, Japan December 2047. You are Gillian Seed, an amnesiac assigned by the military as a 'junker' (Japanese Neuro-Kinetic Elimination Ranger). Your job is to eliminate all snatchers that you come across. Equipped with a state-of-the-art blaster and your navigator robot Metal Gear, you must move throughout Neo Kobe gathering clues and shooting up snatchers without getting yourself killed.

And so begins possibly the greatest game of all time. Snatcher will captivate you from the very beginning, opening up with an cinematic sequence on par with Hollywood's best cyberpunk films. And if you think that's great, wait until you get your blaster... The game pays so much attention to minor detail without losing the plot or character developement that it's almost frightening. You can enjoy the technology behind Gillian's shower and trenchcoat without sacrificing the game's serious tone. And trust me, this is not a game for the little ones. Snatcher is supported by a strong, mature storyline laced with enough gore and violence to satisfy even the most blood-hungry teenager. Another one of the game's triumphs is its ability to make a suspensful scene that makes your blood run cold. I can remember jumping in fear when Metal Gear's motion detector would go off in a dark room or hearing the fast-paced music when I would find a crucial piece of evidence. For an enhanced experience, play Snatcher in the dark... The story is more complex than you could imagine, but it's rather easy to follow, making the game all the more enjoyable. Finding a simple piece of paper on the ground could trigger hundreds of possiblities as to where to go and who to look for. And in a world where no one is quite what they seem to be, your detective skills will have to be as sharp as your eye.

Snatcher is more than a game, it's an emotional experience. You'll be playing without a break until the very end simply because your senses will be begging for more. You will be rewarded with a nice little plot twist at the end, too, so that's another one of the game's advantages. Snatcher is well worth tracking down and playing.

Just make sure not to get yourself killed out there.
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