Griffin Drew, where have you been all this time?....B-
18 January 2001
I don't know what happened to Griffin Drew, but this is one of the first movies I've seen with her in it in a while. Anyway, here's the basic plot:

Two couples head off to an old house that used to belong to a semi-famous Hollywood movie star in the 40's and 50's (star played by Griffin Drew). Shauna O'Brien plays one of the women, and she sits down with her boyfriend one night and watches one of the star's old movies. Well, soon afterwards, there's a knock on the door. It's a woman who looks just the one in the movies (to nobody's surprise, also played by Griffin Drew), asking to use the phone.

Creepy, ain't it??

That's where the whole "possessions" part comes in. The spirit of the star comes back from the grave and seemingly "possesses" this poor woman's body, all in the name of getting that one big part she couldn't get when she was alive.

Did I mention Amber Newman was in this as well? It sure is hard to miss her, though.

Unfortunately, this flick could have been better in some places, so I have to knock a full grade point off. Griffin's dual role is an interesting twist. It's not a must-see, but if it's on, it wouldn't hurt to watch it.
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