Watch for the sex, not the plot
30 March 2001
Alternately, watch to see Shauna O'Brien's breasts defy the laws of

space and time. You'll certainly see plenty of them, and after the sixth sex scene featuring them you'll have little else to do then compute their mass-to-lift ratios.

The plots okay, but there are some odd edits and the usual "plot-jumping" that often occurs. At the end Claire goes into a coma, and we cut to "six months later" and she's fine. Wha?!?

Amber Newman is actually less creepy then usual - she seems to have her excessive-makeup problem reigned in, finally. There's plenty of onesomes (in a bathtub with erotically charged 16mm film - don't ask), twosomes of the usual soft-porn variety, and threesomes to go around. The plot kinda plods along: it's initially kind of interesting but in another odd scene the haunted film gets taken off to a lab somewhere by some minor character (Joel, and his immortal line, "My pants are too tight") for no reason that I can really tell. You get the impression the movie was cut short for the R-version (as someone else noted, the scene with the psychic and another potential threesome cuts short at the end).

It's a cut above the usual XXX-rated "ghost" hard-porn (or so I'm told :) ), and it has enough of a plot to keep you mildly interested. Shauna O'Brien isn't too bad an actress, but she's no Kira Reed.
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