A pleasure
10 August 2002
This film is one of the best I've seen in the past several years. I loved the understatement of it. I'm so tired of histrionics being labeled "great acting". No, it's not Jim Carrey stuffing papers in his mouth and getting big laughs! (Not that I didn't love "Liar, Liar"!) This is so much funnier, so much more subtle. Just the script alone is priceless. There isn't one boring spot in it. Then there is the fine acting, especially by Gene Hackman. It's so rare to see a film where nobody is "chewing the scenery"! And the visuals: the house, with every detail perfectly done, the Gypsy cabs and Green Line buses, Margot's fur coat, Richie's headband, Chas' warmup suits, Pagoda doing yoga, fixing martinis, reading in his hammock... How could anybody watch this and pronounce it boring??? You must have burned out your brains watching "The Fast and the Furious". I just hope Wes Anderson keeps making movies for years.
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