Art imitates life
30 October 2002
You know how it is when a former lover returns home a famous performer and you, a feckless homey, try to pick up where you left off. You do? Because I don't.

Here we have a lovable loser who thinks self-determinism has more to do with evolutionary theory than mature adult behavior. He's beginning to come to terms with his condition - "You know what happens when you walk away from something that should have been? Nothing!" - but not ready to make the leap and take control. And for an encore, where does our hero with a failed marriage find happiness? He doesn't know either. But he's trying.

This one features witty writing and likeable characters. One thing is certain: when you're the writer you can give yourself all of the good lines and can write yourself a happy ending. But they still may toss tomatoes after your performance.

This ambitious indie was re-released on the coattails of "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" to capitalize on the success of another. I'd like to see this hopeful film reach its niche audience if only to help some starving artists who are also my former neighbors.

Shameless promotion.
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