25 July 2004
Horrid...Truly horrid. The movie revolves around some kid who, by then SHOULD HAVE outgrown Santa. His personality is completely one-dimensional and his catchphrase is "yeeeeeasssssssss!!!". his family isn't much better. Granny has an irritating voice and at least is mildly entertaining (but not much). The evil salesman and his ugly sidekick are both as cookie-cutter as you can get. Santa's nothing new, and grandpa looks like some ripoff of the Disney Gepetto. With that out of the way, I'll go on about the story.

Once again, Christmas is just some big spend-fest. Religion isn't mentioned ONCE. I grew up in a Christain family and went to a Christain school, and I can tell you, I do NOT like ChristiansBut I still respect them. You know why? Because they're just living the way that they see as right. Christmas is not about giving. It's not about getting. It's about the birth of Jesus and that is the way it is. Giving is just a tradition that commemorates the 3 gifts presented on that holy day. Santa thinks he can cancel a holiday just because some people don't acknowledge him. When he's found to be real, you'd think people would've been more surprised. So Christmas is portrayed as "Santa Day", celebrating some guy that doesn't exist.

The songs are bad. Too bad to talk even more about. And the acting is even worse. I don't even know how they got a few pros to do this chunk of crap. The story is just completely unoriginal and the jokes...That was the ONE THING that got unjust treatment. Had the jokes been in a different movie, they would've been pretty good. The animation...If you can call it that, looks like it wasn't even drawn by hand. The character's chins wouldn't move when speaking, the tongues looked terrible, it wasn't inbetweened. They didn't even get good artists! I could do better...And that's no exaggeration. I mean it. I'm 14 an I could draw AT LEAST 10 times better.Really. Stay away from this, at all costs.
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