Review of Hitched

Hitched (2001 TV Movie)
Could somebody lemme outa' here please??!!
23 September 2001
I watched this movie the other night because, well, it was on, and I was too lazy to get up and change the channel. I'm glad I stuck around to watch all of it! This was a deliciously bizarre little story, which basically revolves around a cheated wife who exacts her revenge on her offending husband by chaining him to a post in the sound-proof basement of their Craftsman home (the basement is a holdover from back in the day when the house served as a speak-easy during Prohibition days).

The movie was well-acted and well-filmed, but I think what really glued me to the tube was, throughout, there was this palpable weird tension going on. Now what did this remind me of...? I couldn't quite place the feeling, nor could I quite place where I had seen the lead lady, played by Sheryl Lee Diamond. I even got motivated, after seeing the credits, to go look her up on IMDb and whaddya' know - it was our good friend Laura Palmer from Twin Peaks! Oh, now I get it... this movie has that same delightfully bizarre, twisted, slightly whacked-out David Lynchian romp through the dark side of urban middle America feeling to it. Watch this movie, and think Twin Peaks.

And yes, that was Anthony Michael Hall playing the part of the husband. I was forced several times during the movie to do a double take upon seeing him playing this role, of the bad-boy husband who gets thrown down into "underground storage", courtesy of wife Laura Palmer (oops I mean Sheryl Lee). Like the previous commenter noted, it was surprising to see him play this part. I will always remember him as the barely post-pubescent teenager with that famous blurt-out line, "I've never bagged a babe", in 16 Candles (or whatever teen movie that was where he said those lines). And yet here he was, "all growed up," playing quite the chaser. How times change. It's amazing. All in all quite a nice movie, and in many ways much better than feature films you see at the theater.
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