this movie is out of the competition, the best ever
3 October 2003
i swear the god that what i'm saying now is not because i'm from the arabic egyptian audience. first of all when i read every arabic review about this movie i thought (of course they are over rating)and so i had great expectations when i was goin to see it and i was sure that i will hate the movie because of my expectations of course it will be less than that, but after i saw the movie i just said the best picture i've ever seen and all my friends said the same thing because we were amazeb by the beautiful takes every scene is a masterpiece i'm not over rating i swear , and the director (who is the actor) barely used dialogs and you will never be bored because the scenes are very artistic and has this sence of humore. forget about politics and this race stuff and see the movie from the eye of the beholder you will see a very artistic movie maybe the best ever. the sound track is 10/10 and the acting also and the directing is 20/10 i'm so happy that i saw that movie .
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