Home Movie (2001)
A simple, humorous, genuine, and brilliant documentary. Real "reality TV".
10 March 2002
Just saw this film last night at Austin's South by Southwest Film Festival. What a breath of fresh air. This documentary, I think, brilliantly captures the humor and zest-for-life of five eclectic households whom are all living their own version of the American dream. All of the characters are fascinating for their quirkiness and eccentricity, but what really strikes you is just how genuine each person is. In a world of pre-packaged sound bites, "reality TV", and political correctness, it was refreshing to see people that were so in touch with themselves that they are able to create habitats that are such complete extensions of their personality. To me it also reminded me what I believe is best about America, that even in this day of look-a-like sub divisions, SUV's, and office cubicles, you can still be who ever you want to be in this country as long as you have the courage to follow your inner voice.
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