Love this show.
13 November 2003
This is one of the best shows(and the scariest shows) that have ever been on TV. I must say, the first episode I saw with the Jersey Devil, the possessed prison and the castle,scared the mess out of me.

Since then I was addicted. The best episode in my opinion was "Return to Chillingham". Damn, I coulden't even sleep that night.

ABC has since taken over the once great FOX Family and gotten rid of the show. In it's place is a buch of crap,such as "Switched",and reruns of "Full House". They diden't even do the 13 days of halloween this year. I don't use the word hate to often,but I really ,truley hate ABC.They destroyed what was once the finest show and channel on television.

As far as SPOE is concerned,I don't care at all what everyone else says,this show was the BEST,and knowone can tell me otherwise.
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