One of Decoteau's finest!It's like a movie catalogue of Joe Boxers Models
24 June 2002
I was surprised to find out,after watching the movie, that David Decoteau has made countless movies before this. Not to mention the puppet master movies I loved as a kid. Anyway, I wont be like other critics and say that David Decoteau does nothing but fill his movies with eye candy actors/actresses,I even wonder where he gets these people,they simply look good on screen although we can see very well that theyre a bit amateur and that theyre first timers.But where else do big stars get their first breaks?On B movies of course! The Brotherhood 2:Young Warlocks, is a story about a new guy in a small private school. Sure he gets harassed, almost raped in the bathroom, almost killed but he sure does get by. He has his own 'gang',who seem to be a bunch of lame ass idiots at first but then seems to gain "strength".The lighting on this movie isn't adequate,thus giving off the eerie sense that it is literally "dark" and foreboding.Also the make up effects arent that good. But who cares since you wont be seeing monsters until the final parts. As a big B movie fan I highly suggest you to borrow this on vcr and get ready for a night of funny,hilarious and not to mention serious eye popping.
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