Well, it's okay if you consider watching an underwear campaign advertising with some story-line on it.
9 April 2003
Before we go any further, I must claim; `The Brotherhood II: The Young Warlock' isn't really a sequel, but a follow up from the original. If the first one tells about a male vampire attempt to find his followers among some hunky males, so the second one tells about a male witch attempt to find his followers among some hunky males!

That's right, `The Brotherhood II: The Young Warlock' is barely having any plot at all. It just illustrates a bunch of males in their underwear and does some lame acting. Even there's a gorgeous girl there, but the actual eroticisms are happening among these guys, and I must admit the male actors are `act so good' in their erotic scenes.

`Brotherhood II: The Young Warlock' is a so-called horror movies and the thrill is only adhere. There's no gruesome gore, cutting-edge FX, or twisted plot. The horror tensions build by it themes and some PG-13 violence. The main issue here is the guys in their underwear (!) and the homoeroticism theme it has. These aren't strange because the director, David DeCoteau is well-known for those certain rules his possess. Just check the original Brotherhood or `The Voodoo Academy', or for more back past, go watch some of the Puppet Master installment. One thing to notice here, even the film feel so sexy, there's no nudity or hardcore sex scene. Just some people do the erotic flirting.

However, the product design is truly below average, but funny though, as a lame horror movie, `Brotherhood II: The Young Warlock' still manage to entertain, even in a cheesy one, as long as you don't bother with the dull plot and the homosexuality situations. Despite of those, `Brotherhood II: The Young Warlock' is still a cure for your insomniacs or boredom.

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