Sightings: Heartland Ghost (2002 TV Movie)
Another Reasonable Movie About Haunted House
11 June 2004
In a provincial small town in Kansas, the low middle class young couple Jeff (Gabriel Olds) and Pam (Thea Gill) invests all their savings in an old mansion. Their intention is to restore the house and sell it, making good money. However, ghosts haunt them, and Pam decides to call the skeptical reporter Derek (Beau Bridges) and his crew, specialized in paranormal phenomena and formed by Lou (Nia Long), Allen (Miguel Ferrer) and the cameraman. There they realize that the situation is real and the unrevealed truth about a former family who lived in that house. This movie is another reasonable (television) movie about haunted house. There is nothing special or different in this story from other similar movies about this repeated theme, but may entertain. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): ` Amaldiçoados Pelo Passado' (`Cursed by the Past')
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