Review of Hulk

Hulk (2003)
A great comic book movie, but the ending stunk. (Spoilers)
26 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a really original feel to it. The acting is pretty good all around, and the fact that they didn't tone down Nolty's mad scientist dialouge is commendable. I love the comic panel scenes, and the CG is great especially during the dog fight. I would have rated this movie a nine or even possibly a ten if it weren't for the ending. Somehow, the same gama ray exposure that made Bruce Banner huge and green made his father, David, into "Absorbing Man" aka God. Then, the army, which up till now has been literally dying to kill Bruce Banner and his father, allow them to have a moment together. Then when they see that Bruce is getting angry, instead of frying him, they twiddle their thumbs and allow his father to bite into a power line (yes that's right, he BIT into a power line). This allowed him to turn into lightning and carry the Hulk around. He wants the Hulk's power (though why a person who can turn into lightning and "absorb all ambiant energy around him" needs to be able to turn big and green is beyond me.

This ending is one of the all time movie blunders, and the problem is that it comes at the end of a really great movie. I'm really upset because when I think about the film I don't remember any of the wonderful scenes (there were tons of them). All I really remember is a big lightning fist carrying the Hulk through the air (I'm still unclear how lightning can grasp a person and carry them through the air)while David Banner's face flashes in the cloud.

I plan on buying the DVD and turning it off after the scene where Hulk reverts into Bruce after the San Francisco rampage. You should do the same.
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