Review of Hulk

Hulk (2003)
Nice try though and Jennifer rocks!
17 March 2004
First of all, let me say that I am not much of a comics fan. I knew the story of Hulk but not the details. I wanted to see it because every now and then I like watching an action flick and, mainly, because I wanted to see what Lee would have done with a movie like this. I think the story is pretty much known to most people in here so I'll focus on the impression I was left with.

First thing that 'hit' me was the split screens thing. I have to admit that this technique gives the movie the comic book looks but in many scenes I found it irritating and confusing. I didn't know which way to look and what to pay attention to! Another thing that looked weird was... Hulk. I don't know how he looked in the comic book but in this movie he looks shall I put this...he looks like these football guys in college, with lots of muscle but no brains. That, on the other hand, is exactly what makes you feel sorry for him. A different face might have given him the sense that he's too cruel too care or something like that. Thinking it again right now, I think it served its purpose. But it still looks kinda weird. The special effects were well made with many colors that, once again, gave you the feeling of actual reading a comic book. The performances were pretty good, especially Bana's. I think he was the perfect choice. Now, Connelly, once again, proves that she is a very, very good actress. Her performance was just the right one. She is not going over the top, or something. She is losing the man she loves, her father is responsible for that, but instead of screaming or yelling, she looks calm while her emotional explosions shows us how she really feels. Not to mention her beauty. (She should really keep that hair style) And we're in the final scene, the fight with Hulk's father, that just did not make any sense. The effects were all over the scene, images just kept rushing. I did not get a thing. :o(

I think Lee wanted to do so many things, thats why he shot scenes from many different angels and many times, and the split screens, that in the end he overdid it. I believe he tried to stick to the comic book looks but in a movie that is not necessarily a good thing. I can't say I did not enjoyed watching it, no, I had a great time, except some of the split screen scenes. The music was nice, and the performances too. I think I'd go with a 6.5 out of 10. But when I get to vote it has to be either a 6 or a 7, right?
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