Review of Infested

Infested (2002)
A smug attempt that falls flat.
29 November 2003
"Infested" tries to do too much, and derails itself in the process. It's main crime is a dependence on easy option, post-modern references to other films to entertain Generation X video renters. This gets tired very quickly and soon takes on the air of "rip-off" rather than "homage". It intends a kitsch "so bad its good" appeal, but ends up just being bad.

There is some good acting to be found however, from actors who clearly got the joke and entered into the spirit of the affair. It's not enough though - shoddy direction, lazy camerawork and an overall atmosphere of "naffness" are too strong to be overcome.

Also, as in "Night of the Lepus", the monster animals just aren't a frightening concept at all. Flies! What a stupid idea! Not even wasps or bees, but flies. I'm sure I'm not alone in having never shivered at the thought of a blue-bottle... It also feels like a lame monster was chosen as some kind of joke, but it's about as funny as it is scary.

I'm afraid, "Infested" fails to become a "beer-and-a-joint-laugh-at-the-lame-film" experience. I think it tries too hard. It suffers from the same problem as Tarantino's "Kill Bill Vol.1" in that you just end up wishing you'd watched one of the films it rips off instead.
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