Just in case you didn't notice...
8 September 2002
While watching the end credits on the DVD, you'll notice the credits for Jack Frost 2. From the disc's main menu, go to 'Flixmix Recommendations.' On this screen you see menu entries for trailers for 'American Pie 2' and 'The Mummy Returns.' If you press the 'Right' arrow key on your remote control however, an icon appears, and if you hit 'Enter' now, you will get the chance to see a clip from 'Jack Frost 2: Revenge of the Mutant Killer Snowman,'. A must see!

As far as Boogeymen is concerned, being a 20 year plus horror fan I was a bit let down by the compilation. Flixmix boasts "Nothing but the good stuff!", but one could debate that after seeing the selections of not only some of the films, but some of the clips they chose from the film. Most of the time, they didn't include the classic scenes from the films, just secondary scenes. Nothing but the good stuff...whatever. It's not a bad disc if you a throwing a Halloween party and want a video mix, otherwise it'll be on your coffee table as a coaster within months. The Flixmix animated trivia is often incorrect, and the commentary by Rober Englund (who I love) is dull and uninspiring. The DVD-Rom features are hardly anything to write home about, but none really ever are. Other than that, you get some selected trailers, a lame Name That Frame game, and Legends Of The Boogeymen text (also filled with mistakes). A great concept fell short. Not for the hardcore horror fans, as we've seen this all before ... but with the good stuff!
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