inspirational film about getting your dreams forfilled in life
12 April 2002
I saw this movie at cinemavillage in New York and this is a great film about never giving up on your dreams and trying to put your personal mark on life. The characters in the film are at first funny and you laugh about the way they talk about becoming entertainers while they are surely not the most brilliant talents that ever lived.

But then their drive to keep going, even when the odds are against them captured me. That sure touched me as a struggling filmmaker who is also not that talented, but I know that if I keep trying maybe I will get some recognition. The film is also a very on-documentary kind of film because it uses all kinds of feature film elements like stylized interviews and dream sequences. The filmmakers clearly wanted to escape from the old fashioned institute that makes most docs so boring that you can't manipulate any thing in "reality". That's bull**** ofcourse because the minute you turn on a camera and decide to point it in a certain direction you are manipulating.
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