Men in Black: The Game (1997 Video Game)
Poor and tedious game
24 May 2004
Thank heavens I bought this in a clearance sale. It did not keep my attention for long and for 2 reasons. First, it is a very easy game and very quickly finished and second, there just wasn't enough going on.

The graphics were atmospheric and did create a cool mood similar to that of the movie but the sound was barely noticed. Slight music and sound effects kicked in once or twice each level and the voices were so obviously not Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones.

Puzzles are easily solved and there is practically no mystery. The gameplay is simply dull. Character control is shockingly dated and there isn't even much for them (you can play K,J or um...Linda Fiorentino)to do. All you basically do is walk around in a very limited environment where usually nothing fills the screen.

Considering the scale and ambition of so many modern games this one seems extremely primitive in comparison. Definitely not worth attention for anyone over the age of 8.
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