Strange choice in humour
24 February 2002
Sitting down for Macbeth the Comedy I was rather expecting a kind of Iris Murdochesque production, full of in-jokes about Shakespeare and Macbeth in particular. How wrong I was. Macbeth: The Comedy takes Shakespeare's well-crafted tale and adds a liberal sprinkling of modern low-level American humour. Apart from lots and lots and lots (many) jokes about gays and lesbians there was an attempt to lace the movie with slapstick comedy, presumably lightening the scene. This didn't work at all, being more the kind of slaphead comedy that doesn't make it much onto tv any more. I was pleasantly surprised to find no toilet humour, but the tone wasn't held much about that with much sniggering concerning the abovementioned lesbian and gay characters in the film: for which one must assume there is a reason. Somewhere.
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