Master of comedic talent, failure at screenwriting
3 August 2002
I went out and saw this movie right away because I knew that Dana Carvey had a real talent for impressions, that almost everything he did on Saturday Night Live was hillarious, and that I saw a lot of the same comedic talent in the movie's ads in the past couple weeks. The previous review here further cemented my decision to see this movie immediately. What I found, however, left me irritated and empty.

In short, the only funny parts of the movie were during Dana Carvey's caricatures. The rest of the movie was a sorry attempt at screenwriting. First off, I didn't realize beforehand that this movie could've been rated "G" except for one "nuts and weiners" joke; thus, most of the humor in the screenwriting was more akin to 8-year-olds than fairly mature adults. But, keeping this in mind, there was still a chance this movie could've been pulled off. However, the cliche-filled plot wasn't even worth following because it had so many holes in it, it was more akin to a collander. Combine that with only passable acting and very shallow character development (especially in the lead woman character, who had a lot of potential that wasn't realized), and what you have is a movie that is utterly pointless.

And this is a real, real shame considering Dana Carvey's obvious comedic talent. Honestly, the funniest part of the movie was the credits, with all the outtakes and characters that never made it into the movie. If you're a real Dana Carvey fan, get it on video and fast-forward to his impression-bits and the credits. Otherwise, see something else.
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