Gloriously Real
26 May 2002
Having been into computer games and video games from the age of 6 (in the mid-80s, rat tail on my head and all) I can say yes they are getting more and more realistic. From the original graphic titles like King's Quest to the most modern pieces of industry the video games we play are evolving into their own world. Soldier of Fortune 2 is no exception.

First let's deal with the realism. From the sounds of the guns reloading to the physics of knifing a man's hand off (it's all possible, trust me) the game stays true to it's element. Violence isn't rewarded and unlike the extensive and painful animations done in Soldier of Fortune 1, this game views it as what it is, a death animation. Nothing elaborate, but done nicely just the same. Walking straight up to a man and looking at his face you can see light sources reflecting off of their eyes, stubble on their chins, and expressions on their faces. Not since Max Payne have I seen such wonderfully done skins on a character.

The voice work is top notch. My favorite voice work actor of all time (Cam Clarke) does a wonderful job here while leaving his typical sound. I didn't recognize the voice honestly, where I usually jump on it. Gone is Freddy Pharkas and Die Flauder Mouse. Mark Hamill makes a vocal appearance as well and pulls off the slightly uptight assistant director part he has well. Don't think Luke, think Mark. He's done a wonderful job in voice roles from Gabriel Knight to this.

Finally a personal view. This game is very realistic in it's portrayal of violence. You can shoot someone in the face and tear off the greater part of their head, then walk up and knife their chin off, which was conveniently left. This is not a title for kids in any sense of the word. I'm 19 and it's enough for me. So anyone out there looking for a review, hope this helps. 7 out of 10 stars. The story needs touching up.
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