Review of xXx

xXx (2002)
XXX is not ZZZ
4 January 2003
When XXX fired a heat seeking missile at the sniper who smoked all the time, I almost lost a lot of respect for the film. Not the best plot in the world but the film is a guilty pleasure. I like the film despite all its imperfections. Mainly because of Asia Argento and Marton Csokas the movie is great. Vin Diesel has a stage presence but Asia's course sexuality and Marton's creepiness upstage Diesel. If the Hollywood hunk wants to rise above becoming the next Keanu Reeves, he best watch and learn from Asia and Marton, as well as from Samuel L. Jackson, who even when playing a two-dimensional character such as Gibbons he still can add depth. Much of the movie is two-dimensional. All the characters realize their solipsism but they cherish their roles anyway -- life may be just a movie but at least the players are going to have fun. Why else would everyone gather at the bridge in Prague, instead of flee, to watch XXX on Ahab even though they know poison gas will be released. Prague is another reason for liking XXX, the movie. Being a big fan of Kafka, I have wanted to visit this city. I was shown Prague with car chases, raves, and anarchists thrown in the mix (if Kafka had been shown this side, he might not have been depressed). Oh, yes, I'm a big fan of XXX. I don't know if I would go see the sequel -- depends on whether Asia is in it.
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