Pretty good and surprisingly accurate
20 November 2002
I call this movie pretty good because, well, there have been better. Maybe VeggieTales should keep to cramming all the jokes into its standard thrity-minute length. However, this is still a movie the kids can enjoy and the parents can endure.

What surprised me the most was how accurate the story was to the actual Biblical story. While some things are added for a laugh, such as Ninevites slapping people with fish (showing the movie's Monty Python influence), some things were made so that it was more accurate. For examples, Jonah didn't want to go to Ninevah, he did decide to go to Tarshish instead, he did stay in the whale for three days and nights, and the vine episode at the end really involved a worm eating it away (although this worm is Khalil, the half catapillar hooked on motivational tapes.)

This VeggieTale is funny for family, but some may find it a bit dull compared to the thirty-minute ones of before. Still, it's worth the eight dollars.

P.S. If you get bored with the kiddie humor throughout, there's something more for the parents at the end: The Credits Song. After the pseudo-rock song, listen for the Pirates singing a song which has nothing to do with the movie and eventually ends with Pa Grape needing a Tums.
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