Wonderful, wish I could get it on DVD
3 February 2002
I was a kid when it came out, but it was really funny, corny with low budget props similar to Dr. Who. The only actor was Marshall Efron (who often appeared on PBS's Great American Dream Machine). Each weekly half hour showed two bible stories--one from the Old Testament, one from the New. I remember he was Noah, wearing striped pj's with cutout animals walking onto the ark. He also was Daniel in the Lion's Den, fighting off a giant stuffed lion obviously thrown at him, intercut with footage of a lion attacking a man. At the time it was pretty funny stuff, Marshall always sporting a big handlebar moustache. When he did the Tower of Babel, he went to the UN and showed a list of all current recognized languages, nearly 200 of them, making funny asides and puns. I loved it, but I don't remember that it was on regularly.
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