Review of Beat the Geeks

Beat the Geeks (2001–2002)
New incarnation may prove as good as original
11 July 2002
First of all, what is with the guy who thinks Win Ben Stein's Money is a better show than this? Nothing compares to Comedy Central's Beat the Geeks game-show wise. Not Make Me Laugh (more like Make Me Gag), not Let's Bowl (an odd idea from the start), and not the tired, worn out Ben Stein's Money. Anyway, let's talk about the show. It recently got revamped for its new season, with lots of cosmetic changes like new robes for the geeks and a fancier set and a few alterations to the old rules. Now in the first round, if you get an answer correct, you go up against a Geek to see who buzzes in first with the right answer. It's weird that they only changed that one part of the show, but it doesn't affect the flow that much. Now for the new host: I think I'll grow to accept him, but for now I prefer the old guy, since he seemed more laid back and didn't make near as many weird jokes as this new fella. I also noticed that Tiffany plays a larger role now, showing up with the grand prizes and making more commentary than usual. The geeks are still as cool as ever, especially the rolly polly TV Geek. No one seems to want to challenge the guest geeks though, and they're usually the ones I want to make fun of. The South Park Geek, the Michael Jackson Geek, the Star Trek Geek...they never got their dues, man! Anyway, check this show out if you like useless trivia and think you have what it takes to...Beat the Geeks! Ha, I love it.
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