Review of Chicago

Chicago (2002)
OK, but nothing special, just RAZZLE DAZZLE
26 February 2003
The songs were catchy, but I would prefer to just listen to the CD rather than sitting through the entire film again. The format of introducing the numbers quickly grew tedious and added little to the plot, just what the characters were like (which could have been summed up in a couple lines). It dragged on too long and I checked my watch at least 5 times. I don't hate musicals, but I'm not overly fond of them either. However, I much prefer Singin' in the Rain where the dialogue sparkled and there was more meat to the story. This movie was just all style and no substance, which was my opinion of Moulin Rouge. If this is the way musicals are heading, I think the genre should just retire gracefully.

The only high points of this film were Catherine Zeta-Jones, who was a knockout in the looks, singing and dancing departments, and Queen Latifah, for all that we saw of her (and only one number! What's up with that?). Richard Gere surprised me pleasantly, but I fail to see the appeal of Renee Zellweger. I don't think she or John C. Reilly did well enough to earn their nominations. From what I have seen of Reilly in other films, he's just playing the same role over and over. And Zellweger just didn't have the talent -- or lipsynching skills! -- to hold her own against Zeta-Jones.

6/10 -- it was fun for one viewing, but a 2nd one would serve no purpose. All that it contains is right there to see, unlike The Two Towers where even after seeing it 6 times, I am catching subtleties and underlying images and themes. I think all the "razzle dazzle" Richard Gere sings about has fooled audiences big time.
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