Incredibly well done...
22 June 2003
I saw this film as part of a series of shorts in the Lesbian and Gay Film Festival in New York. While all the other films had their strengths, this film, by far, was the standout. First, the professional quality of the film was striking. The cinematography, the sound, the performances, the writing, the fast-paced editing and the incredible direction were all top-notch. The story line, although quite dark, was very beautiful and touching. To try to comment on much of the subject matter, would be to give away too much, and that would be a disservice to this film. All of the acting performances were strong, especially that of director/writer/star, Gerald McCullouch. It is amazing to me that a film of less than twenty minutes made such a strong impact on me, and on those with whom I've discussed the film. As a stand-alone project, this is quite an accomplishment. As a first film for this innovative and creative man, this is outstanding. I look forward to many more of his future projects.
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