Second Name (2002)
One hell of a good complex thriller !!!
4 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
« Los Sin Nombre 2 »

Synopsis; The story of a woman who fights against her destiny, a daughter who inherits the terrible past of her father, who will not resign herself to her given role and takes control of her fate to change things.

The beginning of the movie we see a guy getting dressed, taking his Jaguar, while at the same time there are shots edited in-between of a woman ready to give birth. The shots jump from the guy in the Jaguar to people praying in a church and back again to the women giving birth. While this runs by on your screen, the guy shoots himself thru the head. At this point we see a 'church scene' and we see the burial of this man who committed suicide. A few minutes later we will know this man was the father of the woman in labor. Why this marvelous scene was edited this way and the reason of the suicide we will discover later on, in the movie. I'm trying not to spoil too much.

The movie has a very strong opening !!! Just like, and we can compare the both of them a little, 'Jade'. Same set up as in "Jade" with that same unbelievable strong opening sequence. So you know right away from the beginning of the film you are in for some great movie quality time! Opening-scenes like this are marvelous and I just adore them!

In this movie the music is just impeccable. We have here some orchestral choir, with unbelievable great voices. Sounds bringing the right atmosphere to the whole opening scene and throughout the rest of the movie. The beginning of the movie, the editing of the shots in combination with that powerful and strong music piece gives me time after time goose bumps. The overall music ('dramatic') in this movie is just perfect. Like some of you will know, a movie stands or falls already 50% with the music they use for it !!! Here we get a mixture of some Celtic-folk, cathedral, orchestral, choir voices. At certain times my mind jumped to the sound of the "Wicker Man" and in particular "Jade". Some of the best soundtracks ever used for movies.

The main character, called 'Deedee' a special name her father gave her. Deedee = Daniella Logan played by Erica Prior. It is one of her first important roles she plays and she lives up to it. Her character is set and stands strong on screen, her acting isn't bad at all. She gives a real emotion and believability to her character.

The story further on the way is as followed. Watch, it may contain SPOILERS while you read this. For a bizarre reason when she returns to her father's grave, she sees that the grave has been broken, burnt and the body has been stolen. Police will or can't do anything about it and leave her in the cold, so to speak. This is the only predictable thing in the movie, starting her own investigation! After some days the police find her father's body; naked in a certain position all tangled up in barbwire.

We have some autopsy scenes and dead body scenes. Well the director made a good decision by keeping it in mind that quality counts and not quantity. The set-up of these scenes are very much like the first 'Los sin nombre'. This means quality FX, not overdone and in the right proportion. Thru this philosophy 'Less is more' you are in for some great FX shots. Scenes, though very disgusting by times have a very nice and peaceful overall feeling. Again, it is just knowing how to put on which music by editing the scenes. While we get along in the movie, the mother of Deedee and her uncle Harris become very important characters. As for the tree she has in her front garden. As said before already a few times the music reminds me of the "Wicker Man" but also the story has some" Wicker Man" and "Omen" -roots. I don't wont to spoil the whole movie because it is a 'Must SEE'. The only thing I want to add to end. This is a complex story that handles the subject of sects and the atrocities that flow out of religions. In this case the sect of the 'Abrahamites'. Up to you or you want to find out what this sect is all about. Seek, see and enjoy.

So you want to see a complex horror related movie that has a logical order and will explain itself minute by minute. With marvelous camera angles and shots, good acting, marvelous music go then for this one "El Segundo nombre"! He can certainly compete with the first one. "Los Sin Nombre" I would even say this one is better, much stronger. For me 8.5/10.

Dario/ Sayonara. Not to be confused with cyanide, which is, of course, goodbye in any language
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