odd revenge tale
12 October 2003
This is a beautiful film, so simple and real in its portrayal of a family's difficulties with an Alzheimer's sufferer. And if you like Erik Satie as much as I do, this should be a favourite.

My brother thought the ending was a cop out, but I found it thought provoking.

My only problem was that I was told by the TV guide that Mr. Davies "secretly decides to put into action a plan to get back at the system" - unfortunately I never understood how moving into a nursing home achieved this. I also wondered what happened to Maureen's son - what looked to be a interesting subplot, died almost immediately. Oh, well.

Fortunately, though, the performances were beautifully understated and funny (the "mad as a hatter" English woman springs to mind, look out for her!) and the story still emotionally involving enough for someone who's not so knowledgable of the failings of the Thatcher/Majors government.

More importantly, the film is mostly in Welsh, which is a gorgeous language to listen to. It's great.
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