Scott Baio is the Anti-Christ...or is he?
5 April 2004
I just saw this at the Phoenix Film Festival yesterday. It didn't win any awards and really isn't a traditional "award-winning" contender festival film. However, it ended up being by far my favorite film of the festival. The research and facts presented is among the most fascinating I've seen in literally any film I've ever seen. The story was incredibly suspensful and gripping. Very well-written script. Watching this film makes me angry b/c mainstream Hollywood is forcing dumbed down, moronic "horror" and "suspense" films down the masses' throats like it means anything while a truly scary and thought-provoking film such as this can't even get distribution. I would reccommend this over just about any horror or conspiracy film I've seen in the last ten years. This was also the first film that consciously delved into the "goth" underground scene that didn't have me in stitches laughing at the the film within a half an hour. If you have a chance to see this at any festival, I strongly urge you to see it, esp if you have literally any interest in the occult, conspiracy theories, biblical studies, or just a good suspensful film. This film has good acting, showy star cameos by Betty Buckley and George Takai that aren't irritating one bit, super editing, effective humor, a fascinating ending and a great script and direction to boot. Nothing disappointed me about. A complete refreshment from the feel-good mainstream hogwash that you usually see at festivals, and the terrible wannabe scary films that are sprinkled throughout. This is a film worthy of attention that probably won't get much. Would love to see a DVD release myself, at the very least. 9/10.
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