Review of Blue Vinyl

Blue Vinyl (2002)
Important, funny, beautifully shot...
21 January 2002
Judith Helfand and Daniel Gold have created a wonderful documentary in Blue Vinyl. Judith's parents have put light blue vinyl siding on her house... but Judith suspects there are serious dangers from vinyl to humans... during its manufacture, if it burns, when its disposed of. Having lost her uterus from DES poisoning, she shares a bond with the cancer victims who work in and live in the shadow of the vinyl and PVC factories. Judith has this gravelly high voice, a quirky sense of humor, and a vulnerability in the face of corporate America that makes her irresistible. Blue Vinyl is also beautifully and imaginatively shot... I saw this at Sundance (2002) and Daniel Gold won the prize for documentary cinematography. There is also wonderful use of music and animation. Highly recommended.
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